All Our Pet City Stores Have A Variety Of Reptiles And Amphibians Available

If you’re looking for Reptiles in WA then we can help.

With 1o Pet City Superstores located across Western Australia we always have a great range of reptiles and amphibians available to suit all personalities. Our Pet City Stores carry appropriate reptile dealers licences and stock a number of reptile and amphibian species in stores, which can be kept as pets in WA by appropriate licence holders. Browse through all our reptile and amphibians available for sale, more information can be found in our categories which include Snakes, Lizards, Frogs and Turtles. Pet City store staff will also help you choose everything you need for your new pet such as terrariums, food and water bowls, heating and lighting, caves and ornaments,treatments and sprays.

All Pet City Stores carry appropriate reptile dealers licences and keep in stock a number of reptile and amphibian species in stores which can be kept as pets in WA by appropriate licence holders. Keeping reptiles and amphibians as pets, like any other pet, requires a commitment. They generally live quite long lives and require special care. Pet City Staff are happy to assist you and can offer advice on all aspects of keeping a pet reptile, we can also assist you in applying for the appropriate licence if you are serious about becoming a reptile owner.

Reptile prices can vary depending upon a number of factors including whether the reptile or amphibian is captive bred or wild taken, the size, age and temperament of the animal and other factors.

Reptile Frequently Asked Questions and Advice

Can I keep reptiles and/or frogs?

Yes. Legislation allowing private citizens to keep reptiles/frogs was introduced on March 7, 2003.

Do I need a licence?

Yes. Western Australia has no exempt species, so you must have a licence to keep pet reptiles in WA.

Must I be over 18 years old to keep a pet reptile in WA?

No. Applicants need to be aged 14 years and above in order to apply for a Category 2 licence however, for Categories 3, 4 and 5 applicants must be aged 18 and over.

What species can I keep?

You’re limited to a few Western Australian species. The species you can keep will depend on the type of licence you get. See Reptile Licence Categories – Including Species for more information.

Do I need to keep records?

Yes. You must maintain, in an approved form, records of your activities. You must also give to the Executive Director (if requested), in an approved form, reports of your activities.


If you have any further questions about keeping pet reptiles Pet City Staff are happy to assist you and can offer advice on all aspects of keeping a pet reptile.

We also occasionally upload reptile articles to our site with reptile keeping tips and other important information.
For more info about keeping pet reptiles and amphibians in WA please contact our friendly staff at your local Pet City Store and we will be happy to reply back to you.

West Australian Reptiles and Amphibian Pet Licensing Law

If you are considering a Reptile or Amphibian you will need a Pet Reptile Keepers Licence. In WA licenses are issued by the Department of Parks and Wildlife: You must contact the Department of Parks and Wildlife to obtain your licence prior to purchasing any reptile and bring your valid licence into the store with you in order to purchase reptiles available from the Approved Reptile Keeping List.

The taking or capturing any species of herpetofauna from the wild by private keepers, farmers and dealers is strictly prohibited and offenders are prosecuted under WA Laws.

Department of Parks and Wildlife Information and Document Downloads

Information – Keeping Reptiles As Pets

Information – Approved Reptile Keeping List – updated 3 September 2013

Download – Annual Keeper’s Return Form – you can view a sample here.

Download – Reptile Licence Application Form

Department of Parks and Wildlife
Locked Bag 30
Bentley Delivery Centre
Bentley, WA 6983
Phone: (08) 9219 9834
Fax: (08) 9219 8242
Further information on the licensing requirements
is available from DPaW Wildlife Licensing Section.

All reptiles and amphibians for sale are handled by the individual Pet City store where the pets are located.

Prices quoted and reptile availability are subject to change in-store.

  • Pet City only carry reptiles and amphibians in categories 2, 3 and 4. Generally, we do not carry reptiles from Category 5 and never carry venomous reptiles. If you are looking for a Category 5 reptile please search the Internet for more information about reptile dealers who stock category 5 reptiles.
  • Under the Wildlife Conservation (Reptiles and Amphibians) Regulations 2002, it is lawful to keep certain species of Reptiles and Amphibians in Western Australia. Pet City stores carry a range of reptiles at any given time which are available for purchase by customers who possess an appropriate reptile licence.
  • You must obtain the correct licence before you can purchase any of our reptiles or amphibians. Prior to purchasing any reptile or amphibian youmust bring your valid licence into the store with you. Pet City Staff can assist you in applying for the appropriate licence if you are serious about becoming a reptile owner.
  • Licences are managed by the Department of Parks and Wildlife. Applications and further information are available from their website or you can download the application here. All reptile licence enquires or questions should be directed to the Department of Parks and Wildlife from their website.
    Pet City stores are located across the Perth Metro area in Western Australia.

Reptile Licence Categories

There are 5 categories of herpetofauna that are structured on factors such as the degree of keeping difficulty with Category 2 being the easiest up to category 5 which is the hardest and includes certain venomous species. Initially there will be no species permitted to be kept without a licence .

  • Applicants need to be aged 14 and above in order to apply for a Category 2 licence and for Categories 3, 4 and 5 applicants must be aged 18 and over.
  • Applicants for Categories 2 and 3 licences need not have previous experience.
  • In order to be issued with a Category 4 or 5 licence, applicants require prior experience in keeping herpetofauna.
  • In addition to keeping licenses there are licences permitting farming, dealing and taking of reptiles and amphibians for the pet herpetofauna trade. Please refer to the Department of Parks and Wildlife website for more information.

Listed below are all of the Reptiles available to keep as pets in Western Australia approved by the Department of Parks and Wildlife.

Note: A higher licence Category can keep all lower Category species (e.g. a Category 4 licence covers animals from Categories 2, 3, and 4).

Category 1

No species.

Category 2

Licence fee: $20 a year.
With this licence you can keep several species of skink, gecko, and frog.
Category 2 pet herpetofauna is fauna that meets all of these criteria:

  • Is not dangerous
  • Is not rare or endangered in the wild
  • Has no special feeding or housing requirements
  • Is resilient to handling
  • Is suitable to be kept by a person of any age with no prior experience in keeping pet herpetofauna

Species in this Category

Egerni napoleonis: South-Western Crevice Egernia
Gehyra variegata: Tree Dtella
Heteronotia binoei: Binoe’s Gecko
Litoria caerulea: Northern Green Tree Frog
Litoria moorei: Western Green Tree Frog
Pogona minor minor: Western Bearded Dragon
Strophurus ciliaris: Northern Spiny-tailed Gecko
Strophurus spinigerus South-west Spiny-tailed Gecko
Tiliqua multifasciata: Centralian Blue tongue
Tiliqua occipitalis: Western Blue tongue
Tiliqua rugosa rugosa: Bobtail

Category 3

Licence Fee: $40 a year.
With this licence you can keep the following species Stimson’s pythons, south-western carpet snakes, oblong turtles, western netted dragons, stripe-tailed pygmy monitors, plus some skinks, geckoes and frogs.
Category 3 pet herpetofauna is fauna that meets all of these criteria:

Is not dangerous
Is not rare or endangered in the wild
Requires only easily prepared and readily available food and simple housing
Is resilient to handling
Is suitable to be kept by a person over 18 years of age with no prior experience in keeping pet herpetofauna
Species in this Category

Antaresia stimsoni: Stimson’s Python
Chelodina oblonga: Oblong Tortoise
Ctenophorus reticulates: Western Netted Dragon
Egernia kingii: King Skink
Litoria splendida: Magnificent Tree Frog
Morelia spilota imbricata: South-western Carpet Python
Nephrurus levis: Three-lined Knob-tailed Gecko
Oedura marmorata: Marbled Velvet Gecko
Underwoodisaurus milii: Thick-tailed Gecko
Varanus caudolineatus: Stripe-tailed Pygmy Monitor

Category 4

Licence Fee: $100 a year.
With this licence you can keep black-headed and woma pythons, flat-shelled turtles, western spotted frogs, and several dragon and monitor species.
Category 4 pet herpetofauna is fauna that the Minister considers is not dangerous and meets any of these criteria:

  • Is not commonly kept as a pet
  • Is rare but not threatened or endangered in the wild
  • Has specialised feeding or housing requirements
  • Is not resilient to handling
  • Is otherwise suitable to be kept only by a person over 18 years of age with prior experience in keeping pet herpetofauna

Species in this Category

Aspidites melanocephalus: Black-headed python
Aspidites ramsayi: Woma Python
Chelodina steindachneri: Flat-shelled Turtle
Chlamydosaurus kingi: Frilled Lizard (frill necked lizard)
Heleioporus albopunctatus: Western Spotted Frog
Lophognathus longirostris: Long-nosed Ta-ta Dragon
Varanus acanthurus: Ridge-tailed Monitor
Varanus brevicauda: Short-tailed Pygmy Monitor
Varanus tristis tristis: Black-tailed Monitor

Category 5

Licence Fee: $300 a year.
With this licence you can keep olive Pythons, two monitors, and some dangerously venomous elapids.
Category 5 pet herpetofauna is fauna that meets any of these criteria:

  • Is dangerous
  • Is threatened or endangered in the wild
  • Has highly specialised feeding or housing requirements
  • Is very difficult to keep in captivity

Species in this Category

Acanthopis antarcticus: Southern Death Adder (not stocked)
Acanthopis pyrrhus: Desert Death Adder (not stocked)
Acanthopis wellsi: Pilbara Death Adder (not stocked)
Liasis olivaceus: Olive Python
Notechis scutatus: Tiger Snake (not stocked)
Pseudechis australis Mulga Snake (not stocked)
Pseudechis butler:i Spotted Mulga Snake (not stocked)
Pseudonaja affinis affinis: Dugite (not stocked)
Pseudonaja nuchalis: Gwardar
Varanus gouldii: Gould’s Monitor
Varanus rosenbergi: Southern Heath Monitor

Choosing The Right Reptile Or Amphibian For You

Click on any of our reptile or amphibian categories for information on keeping reptiles and amphibians as pets.